Университет по Архитектура, Строителство и Геодезия

The Master program Contemporary Architectural Technology is developed by The Department of Building Construction at The Faculty of Architecture, UACEG.

The training for acquiring professional qualification Contemporary Architectural Technology in Master’s Degree has to prepare professionals (architects) in the current issues of modern architectural technology. The Master program is established to build on the resulting base in this area of completed education – Master’s Degree of Architecture.

Upgrading and expanding the knowledge and the training of specialists – architects, requires substantial knowledge base in the professional field and good English level.

Duration: 1 year and half, part-time, consisting of 3 semesters / 1 year and half, full time (2 semesters with lectures and studios and 1 semester of diploma project)

Application deadline: 5 September 2014 (for international applicants), 15 September 2014 (for Bulgarian applicants)

Entry requirements: A Master degree of architecture or equivalent professional qualification or relevant experience

Language requirements: English language proficiency at B1 or A2 levels

Магистърската програма е част от:

1-st semester
2-nd semester
3-rd semester
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